Accommodations Process
Accommodations are available to help students succeed.
Accommodations are supports and services provided so qualified students with disabilities have equal access and opportunity to benefit from classes, programs and activities. Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Accommodations can be made for exams, notes, lectures, textbooks and writing.
To get started, follow the process detailed below. Be sure to contact the Learning Accessibility Services office at 605-668-1322 as soon as possible to request accommodations or for assistance with the accommodations process.
Accommodations Process:
Self-Disclose policy
Once you decide you need accommodations, you must tell us that you have a disability. We will not know you have a disability until you tell us. You will need to fill out the Application for Accommodations form and return it to the Learning Accessibility Services Office.
Download the application for accommodations
You must provide professional documentation of your disability. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Information from a healthcare professional
- IEP / 504MDT from your high school
- Psycho-educational test
To request information from a healthcare professional, feel free to submit the following letter to them:
Download the disability services Documentation criteria letter
Determining Accommodations
You will need to meet with the Learning Accessibility Services Office and discuss which accommodations will be best for each of your classes. Together, you will complete an Accommodation Memo.
Approved Accommodations
You will take the Accommodation Memo to your professors for their approval and signature. You'll then return the form to the Learning Accessibility Services Office.
When In Doubt, Ask!
You will need to make sure you ask for your accommodations. It is not the professor's responsibility to make sure you have used your approved accommodations. If you receive testing accommodations, you need to make an appointment three days in advance. Accommodations are not retroactive--meaning you do not get to redo assignments or rests because you did not make arrangements for an accommodation.
Renew your accommodations every semester
At the start of every semester, you will need to meet with an individual from the Learning Accessibility Services Office to review your accommodations to complete a new Accommodation Memo for your professors.