Nelson, Dr. Terry

B.S., Geography and History, South Dakota State University
M.S., Geography, South Dakota State University
Ph.D., Sociology, South Dakota State University
BIO 386 MCAT Preparation Sociology Review
EDN/SOC 377 Human Relations Skills
HIS 229 US History Since 1877 (Federal Prison Camp)
HIS/POS 322 Constitutional History and Law
HIS 390 History of South Dakota
HIS/POS 346 US Diplomatic History
POS 120 American Government
POS 221 State and Local Government
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (Online, on-campus, Federal Prison Camp)
SOC 202 Marriage and Family
SOC 225 Foundations of Human Relations
SOC 360 Minority Studies
SOC 480 Sociological Theory
SSC 201 Introduction to Geography
Born and raised in east central South Dakota, Dr. Terry Nelson spent his formative years living and working on the family farm. After high school, he had his eyes on becoming a nurse, but after taking some introductory-level history courses, he decided that a major in history was more to his liking. After graduating from SDSU in 1989 with a double-major in history and geography, Dr. Nelson continued his studies; earning an MS in geography and a Ph.D. in Sociology, all the while taking history courses as supporting areas. Today, Dr. Nelson teaches a range of classes at Mount Marty, including US Diplomatic History and Constitutional History, which he teaches on campus, and US History Since 1877, which he teaches at the Federal Prison Camp. Dr. Nelson has an array of interests outside of academia as well, he is an avid walker, gardener, and motorcycle enthusiast.