Ferris, Dr. Alan

Title: Professor of Psychology
Department: Social Sciences
Office: Bede 456
Phone: 605-668-1599
Email: aferris@mountmarty.edu
B.S., Kearney State College
M.S., Kansas State University
Ph.D., Kansas State University
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 225 Foundations of Group Dynamics
PSY 275 Experimental Methods I
PSY 276 Experimental Methods II
PSY 317 Sport Psychology
PSY 370 Social Psychology
PSY 372 Personality Theory
PSY 376 Physiological Psychology
PSY 382 Memory and Cognition
PSY 454 History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 498 Senior Research
- Examining the relationship between the hobbies we select in our teens and twenties impact adult health later in life