Benedictine Leadership Institute for Professionals

The world needs leaders, problem solvers, and critical thinkers who lead with both their heart and their mind. Our Leadership Development Institute focuses on building professional leaders and organizations through a variety of transformative programs.


Certificate of Integrated Leadership

The Certificate of Integrated Leadership program is designed to give professional leaders and managers the concepts and tools to create and foster vibrant, productive organizations and communities with personal integrity. The program uses an integrated curriculum which draws from timeless leadership principles and classical virtue ethics as they relate to dynamic and changing workplaces.

CIL Chart

The Value Proposition is for the person and organization to flourish in the following ways:

  • Leading well by understanding and practicing what it means to be an integrated person.
  • Utilizing the talents and character strengths of the person to lead virtuously.
  • Understanding the idea of comunity that builds better teamwork and actively engaged people.
  • Integrating meaning, purpose and values of the person with those of the organization for a more thriving environment.




Public Entrepreneur

The Public Entrepreneur is a program for cities, counties and states. The program will teach you how to think like an entrepreneur and how thinking like an entrepreneur opens up possibilities for innovative thinking in the public sector. Our workshops will help you unleash creativity and innovation, and flourish within your organization and community.


View Integrated Leadership Video



Parish Innovation

The Parish Innovation Project is designed to engage clergy, parish leaders and most importantly all parishioners in creating a vision and plan to build missionary discipleship and create vibrant, Catholic faith communities. The process starts with the Innovation Workshop, which leads you through the basic concepts of thinking differently and a series of exercises to foster innovative ideas. We then work with the parish to effectively filter and then implement those ideas.


View Parish Innovation Video



Leading From Within

In our work with leaders, and the extensive research we’ve done on leadership, it is clear that the best leaders know how to create environments of safety which leads to trust and cooperation. Leading from Within, a program for leadership teams, provides training and development that focuses on your existing culture and how leading from your interior strengths can create organizational flourishing. This transformational program can be delivered on site at your location. The one day program brings together elements of our Certificate of Integrated Leadership as well as other areas of strengths based leadership team development.


View Leading From Within Video



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